FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: QUEER WOMEN OF COLOR AND FRIENDS (OF ALL COLORS AND ORIENTATIONS) UNITE!“QWOC+ Boston Fills A Gap In The Local LBGTQ Community—With A Week Long Celebration” Boston, MA – August 1, 2008 – On August 4, 2008, Queer Women of Color and Friends (QWOC+ Boston) will launch the…
QWOC Week Schedule of Events
*WEBSITE AND QWOC WEEK EVENT DETAILS UPDATED* QWOC Week is a multicultural pride festival for LGBT people of color. We’re putting on this week for the first time in Boston and will appreciate your attendance and support; it is so important that we ALL – boys, girls, younger, older, lesbian,…
QWOC Pride During Pride
HAPPY PRIDE! Looking back at the past ‘rainbow year’ (June 2007 – present), I can’t help but feel proud of all our work and contributions to the community; through QWOC+ Boston, MadFemmePride, and my peripheral affiliations with other like-minded groups, change is happening… There are QWOC walking around, being screened…