My rage as a black person witnessing yet another moment in the endless cycle of racism in the US prevents me from engaging in "level headed" conversations with people who see this terribly unjust Ferguson ruling as just another news story to banter about at the water cooler. I need…
Activism - Afrofeminism - Blog - Kumbaya Politics - Race, Culture, Ethnicity - The Political, Personalized
Afrofeminism - Blog - Diversity - Diversity - Gender and LGBT Issues - Race, Culture, Ethnicity - The Political, Personalized
Straight Allies, White Anti-Racists, Male Feminists (and Other Labels That Mean Nothing to Me)
If my detest for words and definitions stems from anything at all it's the "allies" I've experienced in both my personal life and my work as an activist. I've met hundreds of "white allies," for instance, many of who profess their "consciousness" via some digital channel (e.g. an overly serious…
African Feminism - Africans for Africa - Afrofeminism - Blog - Diaspora Diaries - Special Series - The Political, Personalized
What Kind of African Doesn’t Speak Any African Languages? Me.
Last year, I attended a conference about Africa's development. In a session about African identity, we explored the question of whether one could claim to be African without being fluent in their mother tongue. Some said yes. But many said no. For this, I blame colonialism... and Sesame Street.
For Women’s History Month: Writing Our Way Back into History
In order to address the dearth of women's histories -- our stories, and voices being undocumented, under-valued, and falsely represented without reprimand -- women must begin telling their own stories. We must essentially write our way back into history.
CAROL Film Review
It seems it doesn't matter what time period or continent I escape to; girl meets girl can never just happen in peace.
The Politics (and Privilege) Behind “Real Names”
This news story about a woman who used pseudonyms to create a Facebook account in order to protect herself from online violence, and then was 'outed' via their perfectly legal yet aloof "real name" policy pissed me off. So I wrote about it.
Afrofeminism - Blog - Creative Corner - Diaspora Diaries - International Development - Philanthropy - Poetry - Race, Culture, Ethnicity - The Political, Personalized
Define Culture
Culture - and how it's defined - has been on my mind for a while. Thanks to National Poetry Writing Month (#NaPoWriMo), I wrote a poemthing about it. Here's "Define Culture." Enjoy.
African Women Entrepreneurs in Tech “Lean In” for Social Media Week
What does "Leaning In" look like for African women entrepreneurs in tech? Nigeria's leading women in tech weigh in on dos, don'ts, and lessons learned.