• QWOC+ Boston

    Day Three of QWOC Week

    I wonder how many times I can use the word “magical” in my blogs this week. I really can’t think of any other way to describe the past few days. In fact, I’m checking an online thesaurus right now… Main Entry: magical Part of Speech: adjective Synonyms: charming, enchanted, fascinating,…

  • QWOC+ Boston

    Day Two of QWOC WEEK

    I don’t even know where to start. I had every intention of blogging about my experience yesterday at the Monday Health panel, and talking about what it was like to sit there and listen to those beautiful, inspiring, proud, nurturing women speak to me. To ‘me’, as a queer woman…

  • My Work - QWOC+ Boston

    Day One of QWOC WEEK

    It’s finally happening. I woke up this morning and thought, “It’s QWOC WEEK.” There wasn’t that much excitement in my mind as I thought about it because I hadn’t gotten enough sleep, I’m still eating irregularly, my hair needs to be done, and there was a part of me that…