Browse Tag: michael enright

Anti-Muslim Bigot Literally Takes a “Stab” at Patriotism

I just read the article on about the NYC stabbing of a Muslim cab driver…

I’m filled with so much rage.

I can’t believe this. And yet, I can. I’m so ashamed today to ever defend this country from foreigners who believe that the citizen collective is a walking head case. Really? An unprovoked stabbing of a 42-year old father and working class citizen just because some drunken, misinformed, a**hole decided to literally take a stab at patriotism?

Enright, who asked to be taken to 43rd St. and Third Ave., was friendly when he first got into the cab, asking Sharif where he was from, how long had he been in America and inquiring about his religion. “As the cab was proceeding, the passenger asked, ‘Are you Muslim?’ and the driver said that he was,'” Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly told reporters. After his initial flurry of questions, Enright grew silent for several minutes before suddenly attacking the unsuspecting Sharif. Just before Enright whipped out the knife from his multi-gadget Leatherman tool, he barked: “Al salaam aalaykum”

He’s NOT just a “Muslim”, you asshole. He was someone’s father. He’s an American by right.

This could’ve been about anybody — a latino boy in the wrong part of Arizona, another trans person in Puerto Rico, a gay couple in Malawi, a queer in Nigeria… and what really scares me is that his profile on paper seems to suggest that he would be an ally to the Muslim community.

Enright was a volunteer for Intersections International, a Manhattan-based group that promotes peace among different religions. A spokesman confirmed he was filming for the group, which recently threw its support behind the controversial Park 51 mosque project near Ground Zero.

Enright was a volunteer for Intersections International, a Manhattan-based group that promotes peace among different religions. A spokesman confirmed he was filming for the group, which recently threw its support behind the controversial Park 51 mosque project near Ground Zero.

I’m so angry that I’m tempted to say that street justice is the best approach to situations like this; the courts take too long to come to the wrong conclusion. But if we let our anger and emotional need for retaliation lead us, then we’d be no better than this 21-yr who thinks that fear is the only way America can be free…

I won’t give up on people. I won’t I won’t I won’t…

Read the Full Article in the New York Daily News

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