Warning: This is a rant. AKA I'm pissed, and don't feel the need to explain myself further than this: I'm Nigerian. I'm African. I'm Black. They don't compete, they complement, which is why when I'm asked to silence one for the sake of the other, I don't. Deal with it.…
African Women in Film: New Screen Adaptation of Chimamanda Adichie’s Novel, Half of a Yellow Sun
Africa has had much of its history depicted through mainly male characters; the on-going plight of women and children during times of war has often been reduced to b-roll (i.e. supplemental or alternate footage intercut with the main shot) and action scenes portraying sexual violence for shock value. Hence, the…
One Year After the Murder of David Kato, Uganda’s Parliament Resurrects “Kill the Gays” Bill
But now, the draconian bill which began the chain reaction that led to David Kato's death is back. A copy of Uganda's Parliament Order Paper, dated February 7, 2012, has been making its way around the internet. The return of the "Kill the Gays" bill is a major concern for…
Challenging Gender Binaries in the Motherland: Could Transgender and Intersex Activism Unite Africa’s Movements?
The existence of LGBT Africans ultimately challenges the view that Africans are naturally attracted to people of the opposite sex (i.e. the Homosexuality is UnAfrican mantra). However, this pigeon-holes the entire continent — straight and LGBT Africans alike — into addressing homophobia from just one angle: sexual orientation. The danger…
Advocacy - African Feminism - Afrofeminism - Blog - Gender and LGBT Issues - International Development - LGBT Africa - Media - Non-Profits - Philanthropy
Saying No to Media Saviorism, Celebrating Africa’s Resistance
How about we — as global gender justice advocates — subvert the idea that women are perpetual victims by covering our collective resistance? How about we cut back on the sensationalism — the shock tactics and controversy we once deployed to get mainstream media to pay attention to issues important…