Framed by the United Nations global initiative to provide equal access to education for girls by 2015, the documentary film, To Educate a Girl, takes a ground-up and visually stunning view of that effort through the eyes of girls in Nepal and Uganda, two countries emerging from conflict and struggling…
London-Based Theater Troupe Debuts “ZHE”, A Play about Gender, Culture, and Sexuality in Africa
ZHE is a humorous, thought-provoking and haunting drama explores the lives of two British Africans living at the crossroads of culture, nationality, gender and sexuality. Journeying from childhood to adulthood and across continents, the play examines the joys and pains of coming to terms with the complexity of our many…
No More Denying: Embracing Positivity for Lent and Spending 40 Days on LOVE!
For Lent, I'm trying something different this year; in place of denying myself physical pleasures, I'm ridding myself of ingratitude and negativity. I'll be sharing daily positive reflections and affirmations via my Facebook Page & Twitter Handle (@spectraspeaks), and invite you all to share yours as well. I plan to…
African Women’s Organization Partners with Nigerian Artist NNEKA to Promote Women’s Rights Through the Arts
On February 16th, 2012, Africa Women's Development Fund out-doored NNEKA (one of my favorite Nigerian artists) as their first Ambassador of the Arts. NNEKA was born in Warri, Oil City in the Delta region of Nigeria at the height of its new found wealth in the mid 70s. Her lyrics…
Africa, Make Up Your Mind: Kenya Expels Girls for “Lesbianism,” Permits Same Gender Marriage Between Older Women
Homosexuality may be outlawed in Kenya but there is a long tradition among some communities of women marrying each other. In recent news stories, twelve Kenyans girls are suspended for “lesbianism†while older women are allowed to marry, and even inherit property from their deceased spouses. This presents quite a…