#AfricansforAfrica Update: I’m realizing that many of the non-profits I’m visiting are in some very remote areas and it’s going to take more $$ than I imagined to get to them. It’s funny, no matter how much you plan and budget, you can never anticipate the true cost of living…
A Love Poem to Say Goodbye: Things I Didn’t Know I Loved
A parting poem from my beautiful partner. She read this at my goodbye party last weekend, and wanted me to share it with all of you. As she has dedicated this to me, I dedicate this to everyone who loves an activist, who gives them sustenance when they are running…
Blog - Gender and LGBT Issues - Guest Posts - Love Is My Revolution - Special Series - The Political, Personalized
Lessons Learned from a Straight African Woman: Homophobia is UnChristian
Love Is My Revolution: A few weeks ago, I shared a short photo essay about my best friend, ChiChi. We'd been estranged for four years due to my sexuality and her Christian faith. Recently, we reunited to find our friendship changed for the better. Given the ongoing battle between religion…
Melissa Harris Perry, Host of MSNBC Show, Digs My Principles of Afrofeminism
Melissa Harris Perry (host of NBC Show Nerdland) tweeted that my interview at Ms. Magazine, during which I talk about Afrofeminism, is now one of her favorite online reads. Okay, I can die now.
Love and Afrofeminism: Introducing a New Blog Series and #AfroFemLove Twitter Chat
Love is absolutely a feminist issue, a recurring theme in various parts of the political landscape. But we've grown so accustomed to framing our discussions and ideas for progress around everything but love—instead, facts, figures, statistics, issues, enlightement or problematicness—that I fear we've inadvertently distanced ourselves from the most important…