Browse Category: QWOC+ Boston

Day Three of QWOC Week

I wonder how many times I can use the word “magical” in my blogs this week. I really can’t think of any other way to describe the past few days. In fact, I’m checking an online thesaurus right now…

Main Entry: magical
Part of Speech: adjective
Synonyms: charming, enchanted, fascinating, marvelous, mysterious, occult, spellbinding, spooky

Spooky? Oh hell no. Enchanted. Yes. Marvelous. Yes. Spellbinding… in some ways. But I still prefer “Magical”; I picture sparkling lights and fireflies; children following the unexpected with their eyes, joyfully suspended in moments surrounded by warmth, laughter, and camaraderie, without a care in the world. That’s what last night’s, OUTSPOKEN event felt like to me; an evening filled with beautiful fireflies, and one to remember.

All our performers brought. it. Aliza and I worked seamlessly – and in unison – during the course of the evening, managing changes, updates, and even one cancellation. The volunteers were excited to be there, and remained pro-actively helpful throughout the night. It was good to see some newcomers really settling into their QWOC+ Boston volunteers niche’s, talking to people about the organization, the events, our recent successes, me (haha!), and the energy around them; it was clear that some of them were beginning to take on more ownership of our little grassroots organization. Everything was near perfect. But, for me, the secret ingredient to last night’s success was the age diversity in the room, and in the show.

It started with our lineup. Letta Neely and Judah Dorrington, two pioneers that paved the way to raising awareness of LGBT multiculturalism in Boston via Black Pride, Sistah-to-Sistah, and various other community engagements, were in the house. It was such an honor, for those that knew who they were, and even – I dare say – those people who had no clue; time and time again last night the theme of old school partnering with new school was celebrated by hearty cheers, “Obama” call-outs, and moments of utter silence in reverence of the words of wisdom being spit on stage. I couldn’t have felt any prouder (or more humbled) to be part of an event that helped raise these women’s voices in our community today. Both Judah and Letta said to me at different points: “I’m proud of you”, and I got all choked up.

As someone from a culture that values its elders – e.g. we don’t throw our parents into homes when they get old, they come and live with us instead – and grew up sitting in a circle with siblings, cousins, friends, listening to the funny uncle, or old grandmama telling stories of life, love, children, spirits that whistle in the night.. OUTSPOKEN was an event that felt as close as I could get to that part of home. My face ached from smiling so hard during Judah’s performance, as I watched her relish the opportunity she had to sing her heart out to a diverse crowd, and have FUN. It was such a delight. Judah and Letta brought some wisdom and perspective to the stage, alright, but Ignacio, Kay, and the Good Asian Drivers, reminded us all that our generation isn’t entertaining any ideas about letting the work of our pioneers be all for nothing.

Ignacio Rivera not only sent so many women into heat (seriously, I saw so many fanning themselves as he was talking), he stomped on so many gender stereotypes within a minute of getting on stage. Sexual liberation is my new favorite thing now. I can’t wait to see his film during the Cinemental event later on this month! Kay Barrett did what I knew he would do. Political isn’t the word. White/class privilege annihilation would be a little too strong, but that dude held no punches when he got up there. “Where are my queer people of color?” I loved it! ‘Cause at events like that, white people show up sometimes and forget that it’s not about them. But in the spirit of unity, queer pride, recognizing those of us who can’t be as loud and that we must carry on our shoulders out love, I take my hat off to the Good Asian Drivers.

Every single time I see Kit and Melissa perform, I am blown away. “Queer Nation” and “Red Guitar” are my two favorites, and I’d only just heard the latter! It was a beautiful way to end the evening, Kit speaking on our flaws even as queers, the sexism, racism, classism, and hypocrisy that we’re probably more vulnerable to as the ‘liberated other’; we have real problems, still. Melissa’s musical rage at the media and MTV, challenged us to think about who we are as consumers of pop culture, and urged us to speak up and against all of it! Wow. Thank you, Good Asian Drivers, for supporting QWOC WEEK and speaking to this particular crowd that needed to hear the truths of our community; we are all not queer-rated equally.

A number of white people came up to talk to me afterwards, moved by QWOC+ Boston’s work and wanting to volunteer. This was wonderful. I am always very excited about white people who are ready to challenge themselves and their prejudices, especially since at events like OUTSPOKEN (and many other QWOC+ events in general), it’s very common to experience groups of white people showing up just to hang out with each other. They literally will not engage with anyone but other white people. So, they never learn anything, they never challenge themselves, and I have to continue dealing with ignorant comments/viewpoints on Obama whenever I bump into them.

Unfortunately, as wonderful as last night was, it was hard not to notice that during key moments, which illuminated race/class/white privilege, a couple of popular white clubbers remained un-engaged with the performance, and instead, chatted away in the corner, and spent time ordering their drinks. I wonder if they were aware of how it looked. I wonder if they’re aware of their own subconscious discomfort with the idea that all is not fair in the world and that maybe, they should care. I wonder if this subconscious discomfort manifests itself in conscious decisions
to avoid talking/engaging with others about these things. I wondered. But not for too long. ‘Cause yesterday wasn’t about privileged white people who have no wish to grow.

OUTSPOKEN was about creating a safe space for “outspoken” queer people of color – our black pride pioneers, our activist poets, spoken-word performers, immigrant self-defense teachers, and proud, sexually liberated trans-entities – being given a chance to speak, without any shade or color of resistance, even if it was just for one night.

Day Two of QWOC WEEK

I don’t even know where to start. I had every intention of blogging about my experience yesterday at the Monday Health panel, and talking about what it was like to sit there and listen to those beautiful, inspiring, proud, nurturing women speak to me. To ‘me’, as a queer woman of color in Boston. There were four people that had been given the space and time to address me and my concerns. That fact alone, and in itself would’ve felt warm and fuzzy enough to write about but the LOVE, and desire to guide/mentor that I felt radiating from the table was simply unmatched by any other sentiment in the room, at least for me.

I wanted to write about all of this. But after last night, quite frankly, I feel emotionally congested and choked up. In a good way. I am so moved.

It’s funny, as I started this week, I felt weary, and longed for an extended period of me time after this week was over. But after last night’s panel, I began to feel rejuvenated. This community organizing… it’s an addiction. I’m beginning to feel like Gladys, the plant that was unfortunate enough to belong to me while I was a consultant in a software company. I would travel for weeks on end, and return to see her dying, and wilted, brown from no sun or care. And then I would water her, and literally bring her back to life, only to leave again for an extended period of time. The cycle continued for about two years. It must have been so exhausting to be on the brink of death every two weeks! But I digress…

I am fully charged.

Tonight, the Center for New Words brought me back to life in a BIG way. Not only was I moved to tears to see all the interracial couples and friendships in the room, truly excited to be there and happy to meet everyone else, but I was moved by all the words… about QWOC+ Boston, about me, about finally having a space to talk. The constant words of gratitude I kept hearing reminded me that sticking to my ideals had won… QWOC+ had won the ‘hearts’ of people, not just their wallets.

So many people took it upon themselves to mention why they love what QWOC+ Boston does, why they support it, why it’s important to have, why they applaud me for doing it (which really made me embarrassed). Nevertheless, it was so wonderful to hear, especially after I had just been told by someone that these “key” people in the community don’t work with me… Interesting that the key people they mentioned weren’t key health advocates/providers, legal activists, other community organizers, or any other people working in pivotal positions required to sustain an entire community. They were business people. I see this now, and am relieved at the common thread (QWOC+ Boston isn’t a for-profit business and thus the conflict) but at the time, I did give into the insecurities that come with leadership sometimes. I did question myself… why couldn’t I work with any of these people? What was it that I was doing wrong? I was actually beginning to spend too much time thinking about why I couldn’t compromise our ideals for the sake of other people profiting!

But during the interracial relationships discussion I remembered why I’ve always been picky about collaborations and alliances, and why I’ve chosen to work on building relationships with some people/organizations over others. There were a number of reasons that came up. But the biggest and most important one was that there are some people that will align themselves with your vision and so work with you towards it. And, then, there are some people that won’t. They don’t see the ‘bigger’ importance of sticking to a vision that’s inclusive and authentically welcoming to all, above feeding off some sort of manufactured rivalry. So, all they did/do is repeatedly get in the way of it. What I saw last night could not be described by my words, nor recounted in any blog I could create. All I can say is that there was magic. People felt it. And, in fact, I’m resolved to posting people’s words on the qwocboston site/blog during the week. The world needs to see that there are women (and men!) that believe in the work that we’re doing.

I have been fortunate to work with true allies: Center for New Words (twice now in one year), Socializing for Justice, the Fenway, Black Pride, Queer Asian Pacific Alliance, Good Asian Drivers, and so many wonderful people who believe in me and what I’m doing. I am choosing to focus on these alliances, and these collaborations, because their love will always re-energize me and pull me forward.

I got this letter last night, from a straight feminist man (author of “G Spot”) that sat in the crowd. I have to share:

Hi: I just wanted to express my thoughts tonight about one of the best CNW’s “Feminism and Dessert” Workshops I have ever been to. I will never even think of touching a women’s hair, unless I am personally involved with her. I will not consider myself as not being a (racist) in the sense of not being prejudiced; Nor will I ever imagine what it must feels like being a woman of color and how she feels about growing up her whole life and how others may perceive her as beautiful (because of her pigment of her skin.) or just being born a woman of color.

I plan to write about the events tonight in my Feminist Web Blog “My G Spot” and mention your organization on face book, Code Pink Boston Meet-up and even NARAL Pro-Choice Massachusetts because I feel more women need to know about the tremendous work you are doing this week and all year long. I was really moved and touched tonight by the compassion and caring spirit everyone shared with each other and just because I felt like a minority (as being one of the only two males in the room; the big guy by the window wearing the glasses and my sandals with the painted toenails-another story all together) I didn’t feel uncomfortable and didn’t feel I didn’t belong there tonight, thank you for that.

I would love to volunteer for your organization in some capacity but I hesitate because I am just a straight white male who loves feminism and supporting/working for women’s right and women’s cause. Nevertheless, if you feel that I could be of service to your organization in the near future please let me know. I am so happy I had the chance to meet so many warm and charming women tonight and just sat back and enjoyed myself and all it’s pleasantries. Thank you again.
Peace and Love

Anyone who knows what QWOC+ Boston stands for knows exactly what I’m going to write to this beautiful person. If you get it, you are welcome. And you do, so you are :o) That plus in QWOC+ Boston’s name is where all this love comes from, indiscriminately. And people like you make it possible.

Day One of QWOC WEEK

It’s finally happening. I woke up this morning and thought, “It’s QWOC WEEK.” There wasn’t that much excitement in my mind as I thought about it because I hadn’t gotten enough sleep, I’m still eating irregularly, my hair needs to be done, and there was a part of me that still wondered who I was doing this for… me? Had I become this deluded person that felt like I was filling a void that didn’t need to be filled? Did Boston care that there was an entire week dedicated to celebrating the queer women of color that have contributed so much to our community for years? Did queer women of color care? I wondered…

And perhaps the self-doubt was my way of dealing with all the anxiety I’d been feeling about this week, all the stress it had created for me in additional to regular life’s pain points, all the drama/negativity from people who still don’t get what I’m trying to do, all the nervousness that comes with putting your heart out on the table, and on the line, for something you truly love… Whatever the real internal was, I resolved to be happy before I left my apartment this morning. I told myself that if I accomplished nothing from this week other than getting the volunteers/organizers together, who seemed happy to be a part of something and to be meeting other queer women of color in this city, it would still be worth it.

I have learned so much over the past year. I feel like I’ve been on this accelerated leadership development program. Images of boy tweens that I have seen, who are growing so fast – too fast – that their arms seem too long for their bodies, their ears too big, their chests broadened in defiance of puberty, but still flat with years to go… Life is moving faster than their bodies can keep up with. I feel that way these days; that qwoc+ boston’s success exploded in front of me and I was not yet fully capable; that I took on a burden that was too big for me and have struggled to keep up and ‘step up’ each and every step of the way; that my fear of letting something beautiful fall for lack of wisdom has held me back at times. This journey has been stretching. It still is. But, as I think this, I know that it has also been such a blessing to have learned all what I have learned, to have met all the wonderful people that I have met, and come to love… Even the ones that have not been so wonderful, or so nice…

Once upon a time I was naive. I thought that everyone was good. That everyone was an idealist inside. That everyone was fair. That everyone could always see the bigger picture, no matter how big their egos were. I was wrong. And there has been no stronger reminder than my various experiences this year. It’s even been a reminder that I am not so perfect myself. That I am fallible. That I am human, and that I make mistakes. However, I am proud of the fact that I haven’t lost my way, still. That in spite of how difficult it may have been time and time again – I am not thick-skinned enough to suffer continued hurt/disappointment – I have stayed true to myself.

So, it’s day one of QWOC WEEK, and here I am, the “Head Organizer”, looking like crap from no sleep, feeling like crap from no time to take care of myself, but feeling as proud as a gardener in spring. There are so many smiley faces online, so many exclamations (“QWOC WEEK!”) in my inbox, facebook updates, and voicemails. There is something budding today… and it’s beautiful.

Good Asian Drivers Blog About QWOC Week

Good Asian Drivers post about QWOC Week!

Click here to go to their site’s blog!


If you are queer and you live in Boston, it’s nearly impossible for you not to have heard of QWOC+ (Queer Women of Color and Friends). Be mindful of the plus (+); it’s one of the only groups in Boston that organize social events that draw out all members of our LGBTQ community regardless of gender, sexuality, and race. Which really is something that we have been needing here for a while. I’ve been to QWOC+ events and I have to admit, they were a blast. And it’s nearly impossible to get me to leave my house.

That’s why QWOC+ Week is going to be kind of a historical event. Never before has there been a week-long multicultural pride festival for LGBTQ people of color anywhere in the United States. Literally, all of these intersecting communities (Truth Serum, Fenway Community Health, Center for New Words, Queer Asian Pacific Alliance, MadFemmePride, MIT, PFLAG, Spectra, and more) came together to put together the program this week, which includes discussions on health services, relationships, and identity, artist showcases, film screenings, outings, beach parties, bar crawls, you name it.

In fact, we’re going to be performing at the artist showcase on August 6, at 7pm for the QWOC+ Spoken Word Showcase at Middlesex. Kit and I will be doing some pieces early on in the night as well as at the end, so come support all of our queer artists of color and allies, and stay till you’re all danced out.

All this is to say that we love QWOC+. We love them, love them, love them. They’re doing amazing work that is essential to building our community in Boston. So let’s party!



“QWOC+ Boston Fills A Gap In The Local LBGTQ Community—With A Week Long Celebration”

Boston, MA – August 1, 2008On August 4, 2008, Queer Women of Color and Friends (QWOC+ Boston) will launch the first ever, first annual QWOC WEEK, a multicultural pride festival for people of all backgrounds. Intended to increase visibility for LBGTQ people of color and be a rich celebration of pride and authentic diversity for all New Englanders, QWOC WEEK is open to all: from older African-American lesbians to immigrant college queers; from Latino gay guys to transgender pacific islanders; from political allies to non-profit health educators; this festival is open to everyone.

True to its motto – “Diversity Speaks” – QWOC Week 2008 will provide a rare opportunity for the Boston LBGTQ community to connect, collaborate, and “speak” on a variety of race-related issues such as inter-racial dating, queer friendships across the color line and the challenge of providing health services to culturally layered queer identities. With the diverse lineup of events, including a highly anticipated spoken-word/performance show, a Friday night film screening, and a family-friendly day in the park, QWOC Week 2008 promises to be a fun and memorable celebration.

But, more than just fun and games, QWOC+ Boston takes pride in its proactive year-round outreach to under-represented members of the queer community, including other organizations that promote awareness of a variety of issues and/or align with their goal of increasing consciousness via social-networking and community-building. Collaborations with key organizations that promote diverse, inclusive, community-building (such as Black Pride, Multicultural Aids Coalition, Queer Asian Pacific Alliance, MadFemmePride, and Greater Boston PFLAG) underscore the festival’s varied event lineup bound to appeal to a variety of community members.

Working to bolster the local queer scene and provide friendly, authentic community for queer women of color and friends since 2006, Asala talks about the importance (and “fun!” she says) of multi-racial queer community:

“It’s been most rewarding for me to meet the range of incredible, inspiring women I have met over the past few years, and from all over – the non-profit sector, healthcare, the service industry, music, art, academia etc. My circle of friends is so diverse, so progressive, and just so much fun because of it. So, my biggest wish for QWOC Week is that people make these valuable connections.”

DATES AND TIME: Monday, Aug 4 through Sunday, Aug 10

LOCATION: Various locations in Boston, Cambridge, and Jamaica Plain

For more information about QWOC Week, visit

Press opportunities: Press passes to events and interviews with members of QWOC+ Boston will be granted to a limited number of journalists. Interested parties should contact Adora Asala, (617) 848-9593,

About QWOC+ Boston

Queer Women of Color and Friends (QWOC+ Boston) is a grassroots organization founded in 2006. Run by a diverse group of more than 15 Boston-area LBGTQ community members, QWOC+ Boston is creating a sustainable QWOC+ movement in New England and is committed to providing open-minded, authentic and diverse spaces for LBGTQ women of color (and their friends/allies) in the Greater Boston area.

For more information, visit

QWOC Week Schedule of Events

Monday August 4th at 7PM

Complex Identities: The Challenge of Providing Health Services to LGBT People of Color

Featuring special guests:

Lula Christopher (Boston Black Women’s Health Initiative), Jacquie Bishop (Director of Community Initiatives, American Diabetes Association), Reverend Irene Monroe (Activist, Scholar and Public Theologian), and Lisa Moris (The Network La Red, Dudley Pride Coalition)

MIT (Bldg 14E-304), 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139

Cost: FREE

Tuesday August 5th at 7PM

Diversity Speaks On Love, Friendship, and Family: A Discussion on Interracial Relationships within the Queer Community

Co-sponsored by Center for New Words’ “Feminism and Dessert” discussion series

YWCA, 7 Temple Street Cambridge MA 02139

Cost: FREE

Wednesday August 6th at 7PM (Doors at 6:30PM)

QWOC+ Boston presents “OUTSPOKEN: A Queer People of Color Spoken-Word and Performance Artist Showcase” in collaboration with Truth Serum Productions

Co-sponsored by Queer Asian Pacific Alliance

MIDDLESEX LOUNGE, 315 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge MA

Cost: $5

Thursday August 7th at 7PM

Back to Basics Afterwork Social: Summer Breezin’ at DBAR

Co-sponsored by MadFemmePride

DBAR, 1236 Dorchester Avenue Boston MA

Cost: FREE

Friday August 8th at 7PM

Lights, Camera, Activism: Movie Night featuring a Film Screening of “Dangerous Living: Coming Out in the Developing World”, “U People”, and “The Donor”

Hosted by MIT Women’s and Gender Studies’ “Chicks Make Flicks” Program

MIT STATA CENTER (32-155), 77 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge MA 02139

Cost: FREE

Saturday August 9th 1PM – 5PM

We Are Family: QWOC+ Boston Day in the Park

STONY BROOK PARK (Opp. Orange Line T-Stop), Jamaica Plain MA

Co-sponsored by Greater Boston PFLAG

Cost: FREE

Saturday August 9th 9PM – 2AM


A Multicultural Pride Celebration for Men and Women of all Colors

Brought to you by Spectra Entertainment

9PM-10:30PM Grown ‘N’ Sexy Reception hosted by Black Pride, Multicultural Pride Coalition, MOCCA, and People to People: Sistah Summit/Sister Insider

UMBRIA, 295 Franklin Street Boston MA 02110

Sunday August 10th at 12PM

Queer Women of Color and Friends Beach Getaway

Hosted by the QWOC+ Boston Organizers and Volunteers

Revere Beach, Revere MA

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