I can't describe how powerful and affirming the experience of looking through pages and pages of words has been; from stream of consciousness prose to pensive morning reflections, from photo-poetry to snippets and chapters from upcoming book projects, I really am blown away by how far I've walked, mentally and…
Afrofeminism - Blog - Community Organizing - Gender and LGBT Issues - QWOC+ Boston - Race, Culture, Ethnicity
Queer Women of Color Still Face Racism During Pride, Among Other Things
Activism, for so many of queer women of color, is a constant negotiation of which ism to address. We don’t have the luxury of snubbing everyone that offends us, or we would have no where to go. We can't -- and shouldn't have to -- fight everyone. As a direct…
We Will Not Be Unwritten: Preserving Queer Women of Color History
A few weeks ago, the Fenway Women’s Health Team posted a blog on Bay Windows about their upcoming 2nd annual women’s health fair. QWOC+ Boston had organized and tabled at this event for the past three years. Yet, written in an authoritative third person omniscient voice was the line, “Thanks to the…
A Letter To My Plagiarist
As National Poetry Month draws to a close, I thought it only appropriate to post this response to the plagiarist who thought they could get away with stealing my words.
Interview w/ Letta Neely, Black Lesbian Poet, Playwright, Activist and Mentor
I decided to close Women’s History Month with a conversation with someone who has inspired so much of my work as an activist, and is living proof that we can create change in the world simply by speaking out and staying true to ourselves: Letta Neely. Letta is the phenomenal woman who…