In order to address the dearth of women's histories -- our stories, and voices being undocumented, under-valued, and falsely represented without reprimand -- women must begin telling their own stories. We must essentially write our way back into history.
3-10 Women Arrested for Being Lesbian in Cameroon: Gender Bias in Anti-Gay Prosecution
Recently, BBC news reported that three women -- allegedly involved in a love triangle -- in Cameroon have been arrested on suspicions of practicing homosexuality. According to the Washington Post, homosexuality is considered criminal in Cameroon and punishable by a jail sentence of six months to five years, plus a…
International Women’s Day Screening of Africa’s “Waiting for Superman” — “To Educate a Girl”
Framed by the United Nations global initiative to provide equal access to education for girls by 2015, the documentary film, To Educate a Girl, takes a ground-up and visually stunning view of that effort through the eyes of girls in Nepal and Uganda, two countries emerging from conflict and struggling…
London-Based Theater Troupe Debuts “ZHE”, A Play about Gender, Culture, and Sexuality in Africa
ZHE is a humorous, thought-provoking and haunting drama explores the lives of two British Africans living at the crossroads of culture, nationality, gender and sexuality. Journeying from childhood to adulthood and across continents, the play examines the joys and pains of coming to terms with the complexity of our many…
No More Denying: Embracing Positivity for Lent and Spending 40 Days on LOVE!
For Lent, I'm trying something different this year; in place of denying myself physical pleasures, I'm ridding myself of ingratitude and negativity. I'll be sharing daily positive reflections and affirmations via my Facebook Page & Twitter Handle (@spectraspeaks), and invite you all to share yours as well. I plan to…