Culture - and how it's defined - has been on my mind for a while. Thanks to National Poetry Writing Month (#NaPoWriMo), I wrote a poemthing about it. Here's "Define Culture." Enjoy.
Afrofeminism - Blog - Creative Corner - Diaspora Diaries - International Development - Philanthropy - Poetry - Race, Culture, Ethnicity - The Political, Personalized
Activism - Afrofeminism - Blog - Kumbaya Politics - Race, Culture, Ethnicity - The Political, Personalized
Dear White Allies: Stop Unfriending Other White People Over Ferguson
My rage as a black person witnessing yet another moment in the endless cycle of racism in the US prevents me from engaging in "level headed" conversations with people who see this terribly unjust Ferguson ruling as just another news story to banter about at the water cooler. I need…
Afrofeminism - Blog - Love Is My Revolution - Special Series - Spirituality - The Political, Personalized
Love as a Revolution Totally Sucks
Ever had one of those days when your ideals, your spiritual beliefs, your politics, your internal moral compass just feels broken? Well, I've been having those days a lot lately. Here's to raising a white flag, and hitting rock bottom, so you can find your way back up.
Queer Afrofeminist Reflections on October 1st: Nigeria’s Independence Day and a Diaspora Homecoming
Today is Nigeria's Independence Day, but I can't focus on my country's progress. It's challenging to remain optimistic in the face of landlords telling you they won't rent to you because "you're a single woman who could potentially use the apartment for prostitution." Until "Nigeria" addresses its treatment of women…
To Nigerians Who Don’t Speak Any Native Nigerian Languages, And Their Bullies
Let's get something straight. There are lots of Africans who don't speak their native languages, for a variety of reasons, but they want to learn. But given that the pool of resources for learning indigenous African languages isn't as large as say, for Spanish, wouldn't it be more productive to…