My brother wrote this guest post for me for Christmas and I couldn't be any more moved. For any of you feeling hopeless about your families coming around, I want you to read this and see this as your future, see this as where your own family members could go.…
Not Your Ordinary Thanksgiving: Reflections on Nigeria’s Anti-LGBT Bill (from a Gay Nigerian)
Today, as I await the news of Nigeria's latest anti-LGBT bill, I feel like an abandoned child who belongs nowhere -- it has nothing to do with not having a place to eat Turkey.
For Suicide Prevention Day, I am Calling for A Self-Care Revolution
In the US, suicide takes the lives of over 30,000 people each year. For young people 15-24 years old, suicide is the third leading cause of death. The strongest risk factor for suicide is depression. There are twice as many deaths due to suicide as there are for HIV/AIDS. And…
Year in Review: Top 5 Posts from Last Year
I can't describe how powerful and affirming the experience of looking through pages and pages of words has been; from stream of consciousness prose to pensive morning reflections, from photo-poetry to snippets and chapters from upcoming book projects, I really am blown away by how far I've walked, mentally and…
African Feminism - Afrofeminism - Blog - Gender and LGBT Issues - Interviews - LGBT Africa - New Media - Special Series
Kitchen Table Conversations: LGBT African Diaspora Speak on Culture, Queerness, and Media
In partnership with Women, Action, and the Media (WAM!), I’m hosting a virtual panel that features the perspectives of LGBTQ African Diaspora on African culture, queer identity, and the media. The focus of the panel will in part be driven by pre-submitted questions from listeners, but will also aim to highlight the…