HAPPY PRIDE! Looking back at the past ‘rainbow year’ (June 2007 – present), I can’t help but feel proud of all our work and contributions to the community; through QWOC+ Boston, MadFemmePride, and my peripheral affiliations with other like-minded groups, change is happening… There are QWOC walking around, being screened…
Hablando de Las Latinas (Continued): Dislocating Cultures
So many of my white American friends have never understood that when my parents come to visit that they of COURSE stay with me in my one bedroom apartment, and that my mother’s underwear will always be found hanging to dry in the bathroom. I know it’s funny, but that’s…
Melange Lavonne Takes a Stand Against Racism at LA Pride
I am reposting an excerpt from Melange Lavonne’s blog (link above). She sent out a bulletin yesterday titled “I do not support LA Pride” with a few reasons. Of course I responded and told her that I supported her decision to speak out against the racism that she experiences in…
Hablando de Las Latinas
“Speaking of Latinas…” I have had the biggest crush on Eva Mendes ever since I saw her wearing that sexy, white, figure-hugging dress in Ghostrider. Damn. The picture on the left isn’t even close to what I’m talking about. You gotta see the real thing. The scene in which she’s…
White-dendities : Gender, Sexuality and Other Stuff American People Like
If have to hear about yet another book, whose title sounds something like “blank, blank, and blank”, using variations of the following words: Race, Sexuality, Gender, Identity, Class and White Privilege, I will most likely shoot myself. Just the other day, an enthusiastic academic brought to my attention a book…