I can't describe how powerful and affirming the experience of looking through pages and pages of words has been; from stream of consciousness prose to pensive morning reflections, from photo-poetry to snippets and chapters from upcoming book projects, I really am blown away by how far I've walked, mentally and…
A Letter To My Plagiarist
As National Poetry Month draws to a close, I thought it only appropriate to post this response to the plagiarist who thought they could get away with stealing my words.
African Feminism - Afrofeminism - Blog - Gender and LGBT Issues - Interviews - LGBT Africa - New Media - Special Series
Kitchen Table Conversations: LGBT African Diaspora Speak on Culture, Queerness, and Media
In partnership with Women, Action, and the Media (WAM!), I’m hosting a virtual panel that features the perspectives of LGBTQ African Diaspora on African culture, queer identity, and the media. The focus of the panel will in part be driven by pre-submitted questions from listeners, but will also aim to highlight the…
NEW PROJECT: Interview Series Featuring LGBT Human Rights Leaders around the World
The founder of QWOC+ Boston (Spectra, www.spectraspeaks.com) is interested in interviewing LGBT POC leaders in the US and Human Rights Activists around the world as part of a new project to share leadership stories and best practices. The project launches in February, and in solidarity with Black History Month, will…
Reflections of a Straight Girl: What Does It Mean to Be an Ally?
My sister Zara, wrote this recently for me (it is also posted on her blog @ ZaraChiron.com). If you have siblings, parents, family members etc, that haven't yet come around, I hope you find inspiration in this piece, to be patient (and brave) enough to remain open to their own…