I've been working on a collection of erotica, poetry, and other free-form expressions for about a year now and just recently printed them into booklet form for editing. Flipping through the pages for the first time felt like the cold sensation of fingers slowly running down a soft layer of…
A Love Poem to Say Goodbye: Things I Didn’t Know I Loved
A parting poem from my beautiful partner. She read this at my goodbye party last weekend, and wanted me to share it with all of you. As she has dedicated this to me, I dedicate this to everyone who loves an activist, who gives them sustenance when they are running…
Afrofeminism - Blog - Creative Corner - Gender and LGBT Issues - Love Is My Revolution - Photos - Special Series - Spirituality
Keeping the Faith: Religion, Sexuality, and My Best Friend’s Pool Party
My best friend from college; she’s the woman who taught me how to laugh, how to REALLY laugh… and then, when I came out, we stopped laughing together. We lost each other’s smiles for nearly four years as we both searched for self in different directions; I as an out…
Happy Mother’s Day from a Queer African Daughter to Her Mama
I found this poemthing I wrote about Mother's Day in my journal from about 2 or 3 years ago. I hadn't officially had "the talk" with my mother, and though she already knew I was dating women, she seemed determined to avoid talking about it. So, instead, we talked about…
Afrofeminism - Blog - Creative Corner - Gender and LGBT Issues - Movement-Building - Poetry - Race, Culture, Ethnicity - Thought Leadership
Reflections from a Woman of Color on the War on Women: “My Sisters-in-Arms, We Are Not United”
I'm sharing the remarks I gave at the MA Women United Against the War on Women rally in Boston (in poem-ish form). I found myself thinking about the concept of "unity," and the fact that so many women of color, immigrants, transgender women etc are often left out of mainstream…