My sister Zara, wrote this recently for me (it is also posted on her blog @ If you have siblings, parents, family members etc, that haven't yet come around, I hope you find inspiration in this piece, to be patient (and brave) enough to remain open to their own…
To Hell With Mainstream Press Coverage: Women, People of Color, and Trans People Should Create and Control Their Own Media Stories
As leaders of social change, we aren't in a position to suffer "bad" press -- which in our field, often means mis-informed, mis-quoted, downplayed, and at times, downright inaccurate press coverage on the social justice issues we care about. Our causes -- "brands" for the sake of argument -- aren't…
New Narratives, New Voices: Why I Hate the Word Diversity
But in my fight for "diversity", I've often found myself pigeon-holed into choosing on one fight -- the "people of color" fight -- over others (sexism, immigration etc), and losing critical ground on those other fronts as a result.
A Rant — The Ugly Business of Good Social Causes
I really wish the LGBT and non-profit industry in general would stop hiding behind "good causes" and own their mistakes/shortcomings so we can all move forward.
Becoming iQWOC
The name, iQWOC, came to me after I founded Queer Women of Color and Friends (QWOC+ Boston) and, all of a sudden, felt invisible in my own community. It seemed I had succeeded in creating a safe social space for black lesbians, asian queers, white allies, latina friends, young professionals,…