My career path in media hasn't been linear or conventional by any means. I went to MIT to study Mathematics, before realizing that I was really an artist. My parents are still in recovery. But everything will work out. It always does. Don't drive your career with someone else's rear…
Advocacy - Afrofeminism - Blog - Gender and LGBT Issues - Keynotes, Talks, and Presentations - LGBT Africa - Media - My Work - New Media - Philanthropy - Speaker Services - Thought Leadership
What Does an African Feminist Look Like? Ms. Magazine Features African Feminist Bloggers
The Femisphere is a blog series in the popular Ms. Magazine that highlights the many diverse corners of the feminist blogsphere. Their latest installment focuses on African feminism, and I'm honored to have been featured along with two other African feminists, Ms Afropolitan and Lesley Agams. But, given that we're…
Our Voices, Our Stories: Training African Women’s & LGBT Organizations to Use Social Media is Critical
Despite the richness, diversity, and complexities that shape the landscape that is my homeland, Africa is often depicted as one big safari (or war zone). Why is that? Because Africa’s stories are rarely told by Africans themselves.
Advocacy - African Feminism - Afrofeminism - Blog - International Development - New Media - Philanthropy - Thought Leadership
We Are Not Invisible: 5 African Women Respond to the Kony 2012 Campaign
I've compiled a list of responses from African women responding to Kony 2012, a controversial campaign launched recently by Invisible Children to raise awareness of child soldiers in Uganda. I'm amplifying their responses because almost overnight, the web became flooded with so much commentary from western media on the erasure…
African Feminism - Afrofeminism - Blog - Gender and LGBT Issues - Interviews - LGBT Africa - New Media - Special Series
Kitchen Table Conversations: LGBT African Diaspora Speak on Culture, Queerness, and Media
In partnership with Women, Action, and the Media (WAM!), I’m hosting a virtual panel that features the perspectives of LGBTQ African Diaspora on African culture, queer identity, and the media. The focus of the panel will in part be driven by pre-submitted questions from listeners, but will also aim to highlight the…