As National Poetry Month draws to a close, I thought it only appropriate to post this response to the plagiarist who thought they could get away with stealing my words.
African Feminism - Afrofeminism - Blog - Gender and LGBT Issues - Interviews - LGBT Africa - New Media - Special Series
Kitchen Table Conversations: LGBT African Diaspora Speak on Culture, Queerness, and Media
In partnership with Women, Action, and the Media (WAM!), I’m hosting a virtual panel that features the perspectives of LGBTQ African Diaspora on African culture, queer identity, and the media. The focus of the panel will in part be driven by pre-submitted questions from listeners, but will also aim to highlight the…
African Bloggers Statement on David Kato and Uganda
"We the undersigned wish to express our deep sadness at the murder of Ugandan human rights defender David Kato on 26th January 2011. David's activism began in the 1980s as an Anti-Apartheid campaigner where he first expressed a strong passion and conviction for freedom and justice which continued throughout his…
This Is What a Lesbian Looks Like: My CURVE Magazine Debut
I was recently interviewed for Curve Magazine's "This Is What A Lesbian Looks Like" monthly feature. It's taken so long to feel whole and integrated as a trans-national, multi- cultured and layered individual; Nigerian, African, queer, afrofeminist, nerdy etc. It feels awesome in so many ways, and yet, so surreal.…
In Memory of David Kato: We Will NOT Abandon Hope for Fear
No doubt David's brave words will resonate with activists and community organizers all over the world. His words along with Gloria's call to action are enough to get me out of my rut, even though I am still sad, and still afraid. The truth is that even though, like so…